Una borsa d’ argento
Ho raccolto idee, sogni, speranze, oggetti e perchè no missioni, ricordi, punti di vista, immagini, fotografie e attimi fuggenti, e ho immaginato di portarli con me come in una borsa di Mary Poppins, un magico baule cui tutto entro e da cui tutto esce. Devo portare sempre tutto cone me, ma ho raccolto tante di quelle cose e di quelle esperienze, saperi e domande che il bagaglio è diventato pesante, ma se lo lascio a casa, non sarò piu’ leggera, ma piu’ povera. Ho immaginato di mettere tutto in una borsa argentata e luccicante con il sole e con la luna, da non perdere e dimenticare nemmeno per un attimo e ho intrapreso una nuova tappa.
Ho indossato la One Bag già tante volte , ne ho scritto qui e oggi pubblico 2 dei look con i quali l’ ho portata a spasso su e giu’ per treno e auto. Una salopette una volta indossata come tale con un cappotto classico e stivaletti grigi e una volta indossata come jeans, accompagnata dall’ immancabile parka , una camicia camo, la collane con alcuni ciondoli simbolici e il girocollo d’ argento ricordo d’ Africa, il berretto e gli scarponcini “belle époque”. Mi è piaciuto abbinare il materiale eco della borsa argento metallizzata con l’ eco pelle delle comode scarpe di Deichmann. Mi piace andare in giro con qualcosa di luccicante, qualcosa di comodo e un gattino come ciondolo senza dimenticare le mie iniziali incise sulla borsa perchè ricordarsi chi siamo va oltre al ricordare cosa abbiamo.
The silver bag
I've collected ideas, dreams, hopes and why not missions, memories, memories, point of views, pictures and instants. I've imagined to bring everything with me, in a bag as the one of Mary Poppins, something where everything can enter and going out from. I always must bringing everything with me, i've collected so many things and experiences, knowledge and questions, that now the baggage is getting more and more heavy, but in case i let it down i will not be more lighter in my journey, just more poor. I've imagined to put everything in a sparkling silver bag who reflects the Sun and the Moon, impossible to lose and forget in somewhere and i've started my new path.
The silver bag
I've collected ideas, dreams, hopes and why not missions, memories, memories, point of views, pictures and instants. I've imagined to bring everything with me, in a bag as the one of Mary Poppins, something where everything can enter and going out from. I always must bringing everything with me, i've collected so many things and experiences, knowledge and questions, that now the baggage is getting more and more heavy, but in case i let it down i will not be more lighter in my journey, just more poor. I've imagined to put everything in a sparkling silver bag who reflects the Sun and the Moon, impossible to lose and forget in somewhere and i've started my new path.
I've worn One Bag presented here so many times and today i publish 2 of the outfits i 've worn it with, bringing it up and down in trains and cars.
A salopette worn with a classic coat, a white sweater and grey summer boots by Deichmann, the same dungaree worn as jeans with parka, camo shirt, "belle époque boots" a necklace from Egypt and one made by me. I like wearing eco accessories as this metallic silver bag and Deichmann boots i like wearing something sparkling and comfy, a cat as a charm of a keychain, and my initials on somewhere, because remembering who we are is more important that what we have ;) enjoy
A salopette worn with a classic coat, a white sweater and grey summer boots by Deichmann, the same dungaree worn as jeans with parka, camo shirt, "belle époque boots" a necklace from Egypt and one made by me. I like wearing eco accessories as this metallic silver bag and Deichmann boots i like wearing something sparkling and comfy, a cat as a charm of a keychain, and my initials on somewhere, because remembering who we are is more important that what we have ;) enjoy
LOOK with coat
COAT old
SWEATER - Doppiosegno A/1 2014/2015
SWEATER - Doppiosegno A/1 2014/2015
NECKLACE made by me - info - thefashionamy@hotmail.com
LOOK with parka
SILVER necklace bought in Egypt
SAINTS CHARMS NECKLACE made by me - info - thefashionamy@hotmail.com