THE FASHIONAMY by Amanda Fashion blogger outfit, lifestyle, beauty, travel, events: #Capucci #Fantasy Dresses

Thursday, October 8, 2015

#Capucci #Fantasy Dresses

#Capucci #Fantasy Dresses

Capucci has been to me one of the first designer known at school and i still remember when i was a child and i've saw many of his dressing during a temporary show in a museum in Parma. There were awesome dresses, i can't forgot my faw was a one made in silk and bambu' ! Capucci today is back with his magic pleats, volumes and colors for the perfect dream dresses that can make look women like flowers and princesses. For more info click on the collage.

Capucci è stato per me uno dei primi grandi stilisti conosciuti a scuola e ricordo ancora quando ero bambina la mostra che vidi a Parma con tante meravigliose creazioni, ricordo in particolare un abito di seta verde chiaro in cui era stato inserito addirittura del bambù' ! Oggi Capucci ritorna con le sue pieghe inconfondibili, i suoi volumi e colori magici. Vestiti da sogno per assomigliare a fiori e principesse. Per info sugli abiti clicca il collage.

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